
For the past few weeks I’ve been walking past this bin with a large drop of puke right in front of it.

I walked past it every morning and its splatter was fenominal. Like, very artistic, symmetric, balanced round splatter pattern. And it was about 2 cm’s in front of the bin, so it looked like someone at least made an effort to aim at the bin before laying it right in front of it.

Every morning there’s also a cleaning crew to clean up the streets and bus stop, but somehow they never got to cleaning the puke spot. It just laid there, changing colour by the day. I think the big sweeping truck cannot go that close to the bin and the guys with the big leaf-blowers can’t blow it away. It just laid there, stuck to the floor, right next to the bin.

Until yesterday. The big puke circle had been replaced by a large bleach circle. The puke was gone.

There’s no deep thought behind this or anything, I just wanted to share.

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