This makes me hungry.

Okay, now I may be the last person to EVER judge someone else on a picture, because honestly; I don’t do well on pictures.

No seriously. Let’s trash talk me before I continue this blog. I, apparently, blink A LOT. And when there are camera’s around (even on video) I blink even more. So whenever there’s a picture of me, I either have my eyes half open (not pretty) or entirely closed (better, but no good). Then there’s the added bonus of me being nervous, whenever, so every picture of me looks awkwardly tense. Really. I’m not kidding, ask anyone that has a picture of me.



I’m not sure if this is true, but when I watch model-tv-shows the photographer always yells at the model. Stuff like “Be more fierce”, “Smile with you eyes but not with your face” , “Tuck in your fat” etc.

So, I am genuinely interested in what they told this kid before these pictures. Honestly, what could they’ve said to him to make him look like this?

hmprod (2)


hmprod (1)


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