Monthly Archives: July 2014

Blog-therapy/As good as new.

Whenever you look up any self-help or visit a psychologist, you will get the advice to write. Write letters, write out your feelings, emotions, inner stuff, thoughts and struggles and you know, stuff.

Okay. here we go.


The thing I wanted to talk about today (well, duh, not talk, type..) is “to change”. I often hear, especially from sassy people, “I am who I am” or maybe from the even more confident people “People like me for who I am”.  And then you have the motivational tiles or posters or wallpapers or toiletpapers or whatever gets your wallet to open its flaps (sexual inuendo intended because that shit is funny), they will tell you stuff like “accept yourself” and “be kind to yourself” and blahdeeblah. You know what I mean. If you don’t, oh well. Pick up an internet once in a while. I know that’s impossible but this is my therapy. I can write whatever I want.

So. About that. Seriously. What the hell.

If there’s anything that should be on a motivational poster, it would be “CHANGE”. Change!! Always aspire to be a better version of you! Learn more! Make yourself opportunities where you’re challenged by your own thoughts and assumptions! Go educate yourself! Be amazed! Sure. People are who they are, but I’m not saying you should change others. Or, you could try, but, let’s not. That shit is hard. Change please.  Or.. stay the same. You pick,.

BUT YOU PICKED! which defines you~!! You choose to be the same or to change or maybe you just change because you didn’t pick or you know wow no don’t pick your nose you gross.

I’m just saying; saying “this is who I am” is lazy. There’s no ‘Complete’ version of you. You’re not finished. Being happy about yourself is an entirely different thing, I’m not talking about that. And most of the time you can’t change with you knowing it, you just pick situations. Just don’t tell people that shouldn’t change. They should. Always.

Cola light en twee mayonaise a.u.b.


Daar ben ik weer met mijn mening. Je weet wel van die mensen die over iets nadenken en er iets van vinden. Nou. Bij deze dan;

Als je bij de McDonalds een cola light bestelt met twee mayo dan lopen kutjes nog wel eens te kutten over “HUH JA NOU DIE COLA LIGHT GAAT NU ECHT VERSCHIL UITMAKEN HOOR MET JE BIG MAC”. Pardon lieve mensen. Vraag elk willekeurig persoon op straat of er verschil in smaak zit tussen cola light en ‘normale’ cola en ze zullen allemaal precies hetzelfde zeggen:  JA. ER ZIT EEN GIGANTISCH VERSCHIL TUSSEN.

Dus mevrouw kut, ik bestel graag cola light. Bespaar me je tirade over zoetjes en shit en hoe je daar meer van aankomt; ik ga niet naar de Mcd’s om in een maatje kleiner te passen. Een large menu graag. Voor bij m’n cola light ja.

Burger King, KFC, Febo, Quick, Hamburger-restaurants.